How you can help

  • All dona­tions and bequests are grate­fully received. Funds raised are given to fam­i­lies on Wai­heke Island with children affected by ill­ness, accident, ongoing health conditions or disability.

    To donate:

    visit our Givealittle page; or

    deposit funds via Inter­net Bank­ing:

    Bank Account Name: Jassy Dean Trust

    Bank Account No: 12–3114-0057981–00

    Please let us know if you need a receipt by contacting us.

    You can also give a legacy donation as an end of life gift to the children of Waiheke. This is a beautiful gift.

    The Jassy Dean Trust is a Reg­is­tered Char­i­ta­ble Trust with Char­i­ties Com­mis­sion Reg­is­tra­tion No.CC626226

  • Volunteering for the Jassy Dean Trust is so rewarding and comes in many different shapes and sizes. We’re always on the lookout for volunteers that can help.

    Get in contact with us if you…

    - Want to help the young and most vulnerable members of our community thrive.

    - Want to share your expertise and help grow the Trust.

    - Have a wonderful garden that you would like to share with the community in our Garden Festival.

    - Want to help volunteer at our local events like the Garden Festival.

    If you think you can help in any way, please contact us, we’d love to hear from you!

  • Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with events and fundraising efforts. Please sign up here.

  • Get in touch via our contact form if you can help us with sponsorship.

  • You can also give a legacy donation as an end of life gift to the children of Waiheke. This is a beautiful gift.

    Check out our Make a donation page

If you think you can help in any way please contact us, we’d love to hear from you!


Art in the Garden event during the Waiheke Garden Festival.

Volunteers during the Jassy Dean Waiheke Garden Festival 2020